Peculiar Disco Moves "Joining Fee" Launch gig at the Mining Institute

Peculiar Disco Moves Launch their single Joining Fee at the historic Mining Institute

The North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers has a respectable (if a tad long) name and provides alternatives to the usual live music venues, which is welcome in the current climate. The smallish venue Peculiar Disco Moves chose for their single launch is a meeting room that resembles an oversized old fashioned living room. The bar acts as an ante-room and provides refreshments at very reasonable prices, also a welcome change. The room was very cosy and the upholstery provided perfect acoustic conditions for the artists. You can tell I'm impressed with this venue, can't you?

The first of the evening's acts was The Shoeshop Quartet. A group of ladies specialising in the art of creating barbershop harmonised versions of popular songs. Their acapella skills impressed the small crowd and they covered material from the '40s right up to a bit of Lady Gaga. I thought Bad Romance was quite a feat!

Next up was Tony Bengtsson. Tony is well recognised on the local live circuit for his quality Americana-esque songwriting. He also has an amazing singing voice and enviable guitar skills. Despite his concerns that the Shoeshop Quartet were a hard act to follow, Tony entertained the audience no problem. His album "Snake in the Woodpile" is definitely worth getting hold of. You can find out all about Tony, his band and how to get his music on his website.


Peculiar Disco Moves have had a couple of warm up gigs through the summer and have been rehearsing hard for this launch. This showed in the performance they gave which was their best I've seen so far. They charged through their "old" tracks including I Don't Want The World To End On Tuesday, this spring's Chris  and the one about an obsessive relationship What Did You Do Today ?with enthusiasm and the band really seemed to enjoy themselves. The new single, Joining Fee is all about the hefty sums of money Premiership footballers get for just signing a contract, kicking a ball about and wearing a shirt. This, and the fact the people paying for all that are struggling more than ever to keep sheltered, warm and fed. It's a very catchy song as well, this band have a knack for "catchy" and the sooner this is recognised, the better. Peculiar Disco Moves are working hard to make new material and return in 2014 for more live gigs and releases to keep the momentum going. You can get the single (which has a B - side about a gay builder Angels In The Sky) from Amazon on the 25th November or right now from their Bandcamp Page. They do have a limited number of physical copies if you contact them through their Facebook Page. Also, ask them if they have any of those Peculiar Disco Moves beer glasses left!


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